Friday, January 30, 2015

Listening Exercise

For this assignment I sat in my kitchen in my tiny apartment. Before I started listening, I started the kettle on my stove so that noise was sort of inevitable. All the other noises were just normal everyday noises.
During the ten minutes I noticed how loud our furnace is. It was possibly the loudest thing I heard. I'm not sure if it's because I was sitting right next to it or if it seemed loud because there was no other sounds happening. I realized that usually I would consider the kitchen silent, even with it on. But when I really listened it became overwhelmingly noisy.
 My kettle got increasingly louder and I noticed that I forgot to turn off my TV. I could hear my roommate start up a shower and her moving things in the bathroom. I could hear the fridge make that weird out of  nowhere knocking noise that in my experience fridges always make.
My kettle was heating up the entire time I listened and I began to feel anxious. The sound of the kettle just became so apparent to me. It makes a weird cracking noise, like the heat is cracking it. Then it grew to a full boil and it sounded like rain falling on a tin roof. I guess the welling tension of the kettle boiling sort of resonated the feeling of an anxiety attack with me. I know it was going to start whistling soon so I actually had to get up and turn it off.
The sound of the shower going off is sort of exciting to me. I really enjoy showering and getting clean so that sound is like an alert to my brain like "it's shower time oh boy!". But when it's someone else showering it's a weird feeling like I'm listening in on something personal.
-Avery Violet

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