Saturday, October 11, 2014

Assignment 3: proposal

My idea for Assignment 3 has something to do with the lists from "How I met Your Mother". The way the show is done there is a lot of reoccurring jokes that carry on through the series.

  • One idea is mapping out all of Ted Mosby's girlfriends from the beginning to end of the series (40 total). I was thinking of layering their faces to show his possible "ideal" women.
  • Another is somehow showing all of the times Barney says the word "legendary" or "legen- wait for it- dary". 
  • Mapping out all the high fives Barney's given out by tracing their hands.
  • In the same way mapping out the five slaps of the "slap bet".
I also think I can do the same sort of thing with a few of my other favorite TV shows, but I know "how I met your mother" better than any TV show. ("the Office" is a close second).

I like this idea because it displays my love of comedy and television. The show itself constitutes it's own color scheme and design, yellows and reds, very poppy. It presents the shows running gags in an interesting way, and the inside jokes are something very unique to the show.
I will need to use imagery from the show, mostly screen grabs of scenes, to create my pieces. It shouldn't violate copyright law as long as the overall meaning is changed. Layering the women's faces creates a new image and a new meaning.

Jason Salavon, the artist featured on our class website, inspired my first idea with the way he layers images to show the "average" of the images. I've seen a few other artists the do the same thing, but I can't remember their names unfortunately.

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